Alers Road Leisure Gardens Association
A Bexley allotment site under delegated management
Green Vale, Bexleyheath

Shop products and their application
Our on-site allotment shop is operated by our sister society, Bexleyheath and District Horticultural Society. The shop is open on Sunday mornings from 10.30 to 12.00 throughout the year.
Bexleyheath and District Horticultural Society – Summer Newsletter
Please use the button below to download the Summer Newsletter with the Show Entry Form on the reverse.
The shop sells compost, fertiliser, seeds, seed potatoes, onion sets and a range of gardening sundries – all at prices even B&Q can’t match.
Seed Potatoes
We specialise in Seed Potatoes, getting ours direct from the grower in Scotland. We sell typically in 2.5Kg nets (Some speciality varieties 2Kg) and some 6 Tuber packs of specialist varieties. The order book opens in July with a list of varieties available and their prices The order form can be downloaded (Link below). We have to complete the order in Mid-September, (Date shown on the order form) so please get your order completed by then.
On the reverse of the order form is a Stores Newsletter. Please see that for details of Autumn Onion Sets and Spring Bulbs.
For seeds we place the order with Kings Seeds in early November, and the usual varieties are available in the stores. We are happy to take specific orders for seeds from individual members, and a catalogue is available at the stores or you can browse the varieties available at – www.kingsseeds.com - to allow you to make your selection. Any special orders need to be placed with John by the end of October at the latest. It helps greatly if you place your order using a spreadsheet in the format you can download below. Please note that the full range of Vegetables, Flower and Herb seeds are available on individual members’ orders. Seed orders are subject to 45% discount. Plants, sundries and already discounted Seed Collections can also be ordered and this will save your Post and Packing costs but there is no discount on these items.
We sell more products than it is practical to list but below are details of the main products we sell and their uses.
Please click on button to download ordering template
The Make-up of Fertilisers
There are three basic types of fertiliser:
‘N’ Nitrogen – Promotes Green Growth
‘P’ Phosphorus (Phosphates) – Promotes Root Growth
‘K’ Potassium (Potash) – Promotes Fruit and Flower Growth
Most fertilisers are made up of combinations of these three; For example Growmore (a general purpose fertiliser) is made up of equal quantities of each. This is shown as NPK 7-7-7 it describes the proportion of each element. Others are labelled in a similar way so you can see the proportions of the three that make up a particular type. (Fish Blood and Bone is NPK 3-9-3)
In addition to the basic fertilisers there are commercial brands that add other what are called ‘Trace’ elements for specific uses. We stock a number of these specialist products – available at both stores.
Below is a list of our various fertilisers – mainly sold in 7lb bags – along with a brief description of their uses and rates of application. Also listed are our Composts and associated items for propagation. Should you have any queries don’t hesitate to ask!
Please click on button to download latest price list.